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Glide School District

Cyber Safety

Parental Controls
Parental controls are tools that allow you to manage your child's digital experience, ensuring they can safely explore the online world. These controls can help you restrict inappropriate content, set screen time limits, and monitor online activities.
Why Are Parental Controls Important?
In today's digital age, children are exposed to various online risks. Parental controls empower you to create a safe online environment, protect your child from harmful content, and encourage healthy digital habits.
How to Set Up Parental Controls:
iPhone’s Apple Families: Manage your family's Apple devices with Apple Families. This platform lets you set up Apple IDs for children under 13, manage app downloads, and configure settings to ensure they only access age-appropriate content. You can also use Apple Screen Time Parental Controls beyond age 13 within Apple Families to set app limits, content restrictions, and scheduled downtime.
  • Android’s Google Family Link: Easily manage your child's device usage with Google Family Link. It allows you to set daily screen time limits, remotely lock devices, and track their online activity.
Cyber Bullying:
Cyber bullying can have severe emotional and psychological effects, including anxiety, depression, and a decrease in academic performance. It's important to address it promptly and provide support.

Talk to Your Child: It's crucial to have open conversations with your child about cyber bullying. Many incidents go unreported because children might feel embarrassed or scared. Reassure your child that they can talk to you about anything and that seeking help is important. Encourage your student to speak to district staff if they feel they're being bullied in any way. Their concerns will be taken seriously, and we are committed to providing the necessary support and assistance.

Report to Platforms: Most social media platforms have tools to report abusive behavior. Use these features to report any incidents.

Save Evidence: Keep records of any bullying messages, posts, or emails. This documentation can be useful when reporting the incident to authorities or school officials.

Seek Support: Encourage your child to speak up if they're being bullied. Reach out to school counselors, local support groups, or use resources like for additional help.