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Glide School District


Our new board portal is located here

Board meeting recordings - Here
Glide School Board Vision Statement - Here
     Strategic Plan
          Focus Area 1 - Here
          Focus Area 2 - Here
          Focus Area 3 - Here
What is the Board of Education?

The Board of Trustees is a five-person policy-making body which operates within the laws of the State of Oregon. Each board member is elected for a four-year term; terms of office are staggered with elections held every two years. It is responsible for approving the district's budget and adopting all policies and curriculum. The authority of the Board is as a whole and no Board member may act as an official of the district except when the board meets in a regular or a special session. The Board of Trustees is elected to represent all of the people of the school district. In making its decisions, the Board is guided by what is in the best interest of the entire district.

The Board Chair and Vice Chair are selected on a rotating basis during the organizational meeting held in July.

Where and when are the meetings held?

The Glide School District Board of Education meets once  a month, usually on the 3rd Wednesday, at 6:00 p.m. in the Glide High School Library.

Are the meetings held in public?

Yes, and the public is encouraged and welcome to attend.

Do members of the audience have an opportunity to speak?

Persons wishing to speak on an item listed on the agenda must fill out a "Request to Address the Glide School. Board of Education" form located at the entrance of the board room and submit it to the board secretary prior to the discussion of the item. Persons wishing to speak on an item not on the agenda may do so by filling out this form under the section on the agenda titled "Public Comment." Link to form HERE Please fill out and bring to the meeting.

What is the procedure when called to speak?

Come to the table designated in front of the board. State your name. Be brief and to the point.

Have questions about who to contact?

Our "Contact Us" Page includes a flowchart on who to best contact. You can find that page here